Unitemp has designed a heat shrink hot air unit for shrink sealing plastic sleeving onto LPG gas bottle valves.
The requirement for the heating unit was for a remote heating source, removed from the hazardous area environment of the gas filling station that could be used to seal the plastic sleeving onto the cylinders. The heater box, mounted onto the roof of the filling station, is fitted with a stainless steel nozzle extension and piping which transports the hot air over a distance to where the cylinders are standing. A flexible metal hose is fitted at the end of the piping in order to easily direct the hot air over the cylinder valves.
The air heater components are situated in a weatherproof stainless steel housing, which comprises the heater unit with built in blower and the electrical control units for the system.
A Leister Vulkane 10kW 400V, air heater provides the warm air required for shrinking the plastic sleeving, supplying 1000 l/min of air with temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius. The electronic controls include solid state relays, temperature indicator for over temperature alarms and ultra-rapid fuses.
FEATURES OF THE SYSTEM: The air heater, together with the electrical components, are easy to remove and replace for standard maintenance work. The design is simple and effective, allowing accurate temperature control via the built-in air heater. A temperature sensor is mounted at the end of the pipe extension to monitor the temperature and activate an alarm for any over temperature situations. The unit can handle two shrink stations simultaneously. |
The air heater unit is housed in a locked steel housing with insulation covering the heating element to prevent heating of the control box. The heater box is mounted a suitable distance from the filling chamber to prevent any safety hazards. An over temperature cut-out switch ensures that there is no run away temperature effect and the heating element switches off automatically if the fan blower fails. The pipe exit extension is covered with an insulated jacket to prevent operators from injury whilst handling the heated steel pipe.
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